A Tale of Serendipity: The Adventure Begins Prelude to The Wisdom Keepers Adventure Tales Series
A Tale of Serendipity is an adventure story about a family of seals and their dolphin friends that will capture your heart and fill you with hope. This archetypal tale celebrates the deep interconnectedness that exists between all living beings, illuminating the highest potential of our shared humanity, as well as our deepest wounds. It is a profound transmitter of wisdom, respect, empathy, compassion, dignity, integrity, honesty and collaboration.
This unfolding tale is for the open-minded, open-hearted child in each of us, who still believes (and is counting on!) a future where diversity is celebrated, conflicts are resolved peacefully, and our earth—and all of her creatures—are respected, protected and allowed to thrive. Read this story with your children and empower them with self-love, authenticity and planetary compassion, so they can discover and embrace their unique roles in our shared evolution.