In this 5-Part Online Course, we will be diving deeply into the theme of Integrity, with the help of the Wisdom Keepers. What it means to truly walk with Integrity is a question that I have been grappling with for some time. Perhaps my whole life! If you feel drawn to this theme as well, my guess is that you're going to love this course.
The times that we are living in are so intense. I find myself, and so many of my students, friends, colleagues, even mentors, moving from states of terror to excitement, from despair to hope, from powerlessness to empowerment, from emotional devastation to evolutionary trust, from a painful sense of isolation and division, to a profound experience of communion and interconnectedness.
During extreme times like this, it’s easy to become derailed, to lose our center, to either get lost in a battle for survival, or to check out completely in the guise of spirituality. This is why I feel it is so important that more of us find ways to stay grounded, open, loving and awake. To stay in our Integrity.
I looked up Integrity in the dictionary, and found two definitions:
One is, “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."
The other is, “the state of being whole and undivided.”
What a beautiful paradox -- one that the Wisdom Keepers are especially qualified to teach us how to hold, and walk.
When we are living in Integrity, we are both soft and strong; receptive and dynamic; humble and assertive. We are able to take a stand for what and who we care about, without closing our hearts down to those who think or feel differently from us.
When we are living in Integrity, we are able to see clearly the unfortunate consequences of “us vs. them” thinking and survival based reactivity, without getting swept up by the strong currents of our own judging minds.
When we are living in Integrity, we are able to tell the difference between a grounded embodiment of our deepest spiritual values, and a feel-good spiritual bypass.
When we are living in Integrity, we are much better able to help others live in their integrity, because we’re not imposing our way on them.
But how do we get there? Especially now, during such destabilizing times? This is the question we’re going to be asking the Wisdom Keepers. While we will be exploring collective themes, we will also be uncovering our relationship to Integrity as unique individuals. At the end of this course, you will have your very own council of Wisdom Keepers, available and devoted to supporting you.
All course participants will be working with their own Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck. So having access to one's own deck is a requirement.
Disclaimer: Rosy is an ordained minister of Designed to Blossom of AIWP and provide something more akin to spiritual counseling than psychotherapy. The work I do is with highly functional people, for whom ‘spirit’ plays a central role in their life. I do not give diagnoses, work with pathology, or claim to be an expert offering a treatment or cure.