Something I love about Human Design is how it is designed to evolve...
...just as we are. As this system takes root and branches out around the globe, it is blossoming into a solid field of study as well as a profound mystical exploration.
Because of my blended background and alchemical tendencies, I've been drawn to a mix of 'traditional' and 'alternative' when it comes to Human Design. While I've completed the educational portion of the Jovian Archive Analyst Training program, I've continued my explorations in a more transpersonally focused approach to (or rebirth of) Human Design, called Integral Human Design.
I've also fallen in love with The Gene Keys -- an incredibly powerful and relevant mythology that takes the most essential aspects of the original Human Design transmission to an entirely new level. (The Gene Keys take a more transpersonal, archetypal, multi-dimensional look at the 64 Gates or hexagrams of Human Design.)
As described in my BIO, my background is in psychotherapy, the arts and spiritual counseling. Because of this, I cherish the opportunity to work with people over a longer period of time. Mostly, I love to support people in the way that feels best to them. (Listen to the audio below if you'd like to hear me talk about my approach to the Gene Keys.)
The work I do as a Gene Keys Counselor is deeply inspired by the work of Richard Rudd...
In 2013, Richard Rudd launched his own online Program The Gene Keys Golden Path. (The Golden Path is divided into 3 ‘sequences’: The Activation Sequence, The Venus Sequence and The Pearl Sequence.) His Program is beyond wonderful, just like his book. I highly recommend it.
While Human Design invites you into a highly practical experiment, an exploration of your Gene Keys invites you into a deeply transformative mystery that weaves together a tapestry of psychology, sociology, mysticism, physics, biology, music and indigenous wisdom.
Whether you choose to read the book, or participate in Richard Rudd's Program, or the growing Gene Keys community (e.g. you will be guided through a gentle, contemplative and emotionally evocative process. Over time, as you let this transmission sink into your cells, you are likely to find something deep, archetypal and eternal awakening inside of you -- your Soul's Genius, your Life Purpose, your unique way of transmuting pain into passion, survival into service, and fear into love.
The Gene Keys are so deep and rich, and so full of potential. Because of this, I've found that giving yourself plenty of time and space to not just absorb, but to process and metabolize the teachings, is extremely important.
I've also found that exploring this world in the context of a caring relationship with someone who knows you deeply, can make a world of difference in your experience. I've witnessed profound transformation in clients with whom I've integrated the Gene Keys into our work.